Sunday, September 11, 2011

Mission Possible Charity Event 04-09-2011

在小村大任务的义卖会上, 我买到了李雲露童鞋的画。是越看越稀饭!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

My Dream

My dream is to decorate and make my future home into a bonsai garden. I love Japanese Maple bonsai. I went to the library yesterday and did some research and found that a Japanese Maple bonsai took 8-9 years to grow from seed. It will be great to see the leaves of the tree turns changes colour! But I'm not sure whether it is possible to grow Japanese Maple in Singapore...I'm also interested in Apple Tree bonsai, Orange Tree bonsai, Lemon Tree bonsai, Tomato Tree bonsai. My dream goes on.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

"生日快乐" (Be Happy) Promotion @ Nex 27-3-2011

Last month was a busy month for me. I went to "Be Happy" promotion at Nex. It was a fun and tiring experience. Tiring is because I held my camera to shoot the video of approximately 16 min at one shot. I know my hand was trembling and the picture is shaking. But to be able to share with overseas fans, IT IS WORTH IT!!!

I love the sub-theme song <忙> alot.

My ex-company had a 1st birthday bash for the dog Tana on 21-3-2011. I will edit and upload the video in my next post maybe next week.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Handheld Sewing Machine

I was browsing through the net online for mini sewing machine.

Then I found & bought this on ebay:

It's cheap & convenient which looks like a stapler. Can't believe what I have been waiting for has finally here. I just made payment today and waiting for the item to arrive. Item location is in Hong Kong. Bought it at only GBP 0.99 which is SGD$3.21. As the colour is random, don't know what colour I will get. Anticipating.... Yeah, but I wonder whether I know how to use it.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Dry Shampoo

Didn't know that there is this thing called "Dry Shampoo" until I read on XINMSN that Gwyneth Paltrow uses it. Seems very popular with the Europeans, 'coz they have lighter colour hair.

So I was curious and surf through Wikihow to find out more. It's good for camping, confinement and save water. Can use corn meal, ground oatmeal, semolina flour, cornstarch, talcum powder, large grain salt or baking soda. These are very easily available at home. Of course, I will choose to use talcum powder because it smells nice.

I would like to try it someday though my hair will be full of powder and I would want to dirty my pillow. Just want to try out how effective it is.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Warm Wishes from All Over The World, So Touching!!!

The mood is still there. Lunar Birthday is 1st day of CNY.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sunday, January 9, 2011

2011年, 心情和这首歌一样

爱一直闪亮, 很好听的歌. 百听不厌 =)

Sunday, December 19, 2010

原来熊猫也是Winnie the Pooh~

今天, 收听 fm100.3 时听到,
原来熊猫除了喜欢竹子, 也喜欢蜂蜜, Honey!
所以说, 原来熊猫也是 Winnie the Pooh~!

就不知道它是否也跟我一样, 喜欢 Honey Green Tea.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

My Art Folio (Sec 2E8)

I Love Art. Art is my favourite subject!

My Art Folio. I drew the Flintstone.

Design CD Cover - Don't know why, it's not very fantastic but it's my favourite piece. Remember I still do not have a single CD in 1998. My classmate just lent me any CD and I just drew it. It's Tarcy Hsu "Wo Ai Wo Bu Pa, Sha Gua Li Liang Da"

Design Postcard

Design Logo

Observation Study: Jug

Observation Study: Stamp

Observation Study: Bottle

My brother's version of Observation Study: Bottle.
I think my 7-up bottle looks more real than my brother's. Heh heh!!!

All the rest of the following are my brother's nice drawings:


Movie Poster


Hot Air Balloon

Observation Study: Lemon and pot

Friday, November 5, 2010

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Kokoro cartoon movie

I last watch these Kokoro cartoon movie back in 2002.
Time to re-watch again. Nice music, touching story.

My favourite is Star (Zhai Xing).
Here's the link:

To proceed to the gallery for other touching stories:

Saturday, October 23, 2010

20.10.2010 - Ms. Lee Birthday Recap

2010年10月20日的这一天, 很开心也很难过... 我被欺负了, 我出糗了, 闹出了三个尴尬场面.

第一, 全世界的人都知道我是个很安静的人, 最不会开始话题了... 可是, 偏偏要我坐在车的前座位, 一路紧张到终点.

第二, 不仅如此, 要我把车座位子移前时, 我真的不知道怎么移. 我家人都没有车, 我有坐过车, 可是搭的都是 taxi, 我都是坐后座的. 想告诉大家, 我不只不会移座位, 我连车里的 radio 怎么开, 怎么调频道, aircon 要按哪里我都不会. 出糗了, 真想把头钻进洞里!!!

第三, 当在喝 papaya soup 的时候, 友人叫我告诉马来籍同事说汤里有猪肉, 可是全场人都说:"It's chicken, it's chicken." 我又再次出糗.

还好后来还有开心的事, Ms. Lee 太可爱了. 以下是精彩片段, 来重温一下吧!

Sunday, September 26, 2010


I was having my lunch last week, and sitting beside me was an office lady with her other 2 colleagues who I recognised becos she is the lady who queue up in front of me for the handmade noodle every time. But every time she ask the auntie to 打烂 the her egg, the egg was never 烂. She this time round she was very satisfied and exclaim:"她终于把我的蛋打烂了..." Haha!!!

I find it funny becos many people around me will say 打散 instead of 打烂. Of course I dare not laugh out loud, just 暗笑 inside my heart.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Irene's Birthday

It's the laughter that makes it memorable.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Enjoying the moments of Thrifting...

This time, I intends to blog about money saving tips.
The followings are 5 ways of being thrift to share with:-

(All tried and tested)

  1. Cut my own hair.
    Yes, I find much satisfaction cutting my own hair. During my school days, I used to go to Jean Yip or Kimage to trim my hair on a monthly basis. Becos my hair grows very fast 1 cm a month, so I got to trim it frequently. That was expensive about $20-$30. Later on during my working days, I went to Snip Avenue to trim at $3.80, which is quite cheap for a 10 minute cut. Now I D.I.Y, it's FREE!!!
  2. Go to those cosmetic counters at departmental stores at ask for free samples. Most of the time, they will gladly give you 1 or 2 packs of sample to try first.
  3. Buy lesser clothes.
    My buying habit was like this, I used to buy t-shirts in the 1st month, cardigans in 2nd month, office pants in 3rd month, shoes in 4th month....Now I decided to buy replacement clothes every 3-6 months instead. Too many old clothes and I don't know whether I will still be not very environmental friendly to throw away.
  4. Take part in online surveys and get points awarded to exchange for vouchers at end of the year.
  5. D.I.Y my own clothes.
    Choose the material at Spotlight and make my own pair of shorts for wearing at home. I tried sewing manually. If next time, I got a sewing machine by chance, it will make it easier. But I gain much satisfaction doing it myself.

As you are wondering now, what makes me want to be so thrift. I am interested to sponsor a child... as to which country's child, I have not decided yet. I didn't know that sponsoring a child doesn't need to be very rich to do so, until I came across the World Vision website. For only $45 a month I can sponsor a child that needs help badly. See how its goes. I am not prepared yet. I will do it when I can commit for 10 years.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

My Office (part 2)

My colleagues were discussing on the dogs saliva, whether all the dogs saliva are so thick. Then she purposely let the dog smell her feet, so funny can! Hahaa!!!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

My Office (part 1)

This is how my small and pathetic workstation looks like when I came into the office yesterday. Table full of files until I can't see my PC monitor. Hehee!!! My workstation is too small, right? Not enough space to put my files. Even those piles of files on the floor are for me.

(above: my pathetic and small table as work station.)

(above: my lawyer's piece of reminder that everybody who wants to tidy her desk for her will leave it as it is when they saw this message.)

(above: The temperature in the office is about 17~20 degree celsius.
i need my hand warmer to keep me warm.)

(above: this is just one of the flight of stairs that i have to climb up & down everyday. There are somemore inside in premise.)